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Our Net Promoter Score

We measure our Net Promoter Score (NPS) annually, as a way to assess and quantify whether Hispanotech's value to our Members is improving or deteriorating.

For organizations that charge a membership fee, renewals vs churn are very reliable indicators of perceived value. Hispanotech does not charge a membership fee, so we have to rely on softer indicators, such as Members' participation in events, volunteer retention, email responsiveness (open & click), social media engagement, etc.

Like most quantifications of feelings, NPS is not a perfect tool, but it may give us a rough idea of how our Members perceive Hispanotech, and whether we are going in the right direction.

To get an initial benchmark, the NPS question ("how likely are you to recommend us") was first included in our Annual Membership Survey in 2018 and it is now measured at the end of every year. This article will be updated to track how it changes.

[UPDATED December 2023]

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